Male Treatments.
Here at Brook Bottom Aesthetics we believe its everybody’s right to look and feel amazing! Not just our female clients but males ones to. If you are looking to improve your appearance, feeling of general health and signs of ageing then look no further than Brook Bottom Aesthetics.
Dermal Filler Treatment.
Anti Wrinkle Injections.
As we age our skin loses volume and starts to sag due to the declining amount of hyaluronic acid. Dermal fillers are a safe and effective way to help to restore your skins volume by replacing the hyaluronic acid. They are a gel like substance that is injected into the dermal layers of the skin to help smooth out deeper wrinkles and adds volume to the skin. Common treatments include: Smoothing out deep wrinkles, Lip Enhancement, Cheek Enhancement, Jaw & Chin Enhancement, Tear troughs, Non-Surgical Nose Reshaping, Nasolabial Lines and Marionette Lines.
Anti-wrinkle injections are a naturally purified protein that is injected into areas of the face to relax muscles known to cause wrinkles. As a result of anti-wrinkle injection treatment you can expect to see a smoother & more youthful appearance.
Anti-wrinkle Injections are most effective in the correction of lines which are formed from muscle contractions. They obtain their results by, preventing the underlying muscle from contracting which in turn stops the skin from creasing.
Injectable anti-ageing treatments are a quick and convenient way to smooth out those lines on the forehead; around the eyes and mouth.
Anti Wrinkle injections can also be used to help treat certain conditions such as teeth grinding/teeth clenching (bruxism) and excessive sweating also known as hyperhidrosis.
Cog Threads.
Cog/ PDO threads, the ‘No Blade Face Lift’ is the ultimate and latest technology in thread lifting. Thread lifts are non-surgical treatments that lift the face using specially designed threads, without having to make surgical incisions. It is crucial to acknowledge that as we get older the deeper layers of our skin lose some key components such as collagen and elastin, causing wrinkle and lines to develop on the surface of our skin. COGS/PDO threads can be safely inserted into the deep layers of skin, the tags then hold onto the skin, so that when it tightens it pulls the skin up. Flattening out any lines or wrinkles and helping to shape your skin to your natural look.
At Brook Bottom Aesthetics prior to having COG/PDO Threads, you will be assessed by one of our qualified Practitioners who will review your medical history, take pre-treatment photos and will discuss any questions or concerns you may have about the procedure.
Although it is normal to sweat if you do exercise or get hot, excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis) occurs when the body doesn’t need to cool down.
Hyperhidrosis is a long-term condition that can occur for no obvious reason, and can be caused by another condition that you are suffering from or as a side effect of medication you’re taking. It is a common condition that can affect the whole body, especially areas such as your armpits, hands, feet, face, chest and groin.
Botulinum toxin can be injected into the target areas to treat hyperhidrosis.
Vitamin B12 Injections.
Vitamin B12 (cobalamin) is a water-soluble vitamin that plays essential roles in red blood cell formation, cell metabolism, nerve function and the production of DNA. Many food sources contain vitamin B12 such as, fish, meat, poultry and some diary products but unfortunately not enough for it to be fully absorbed into the blood stream. If you follow a vegan or vegetarian diet you could be at risk of a B12 deficiency.
Vitamin B12 injections are traditionally popular for its energy boosting effects, improvement in metabolism as well as being able to aid with an earlier release of melatonin meaning it can aid the regulation of sleep.
Vitamin B12 converts carbohydrates into glucose, leading to energy production and a decrease in fatigue.
Body Ballancer.

The Body Ballancer is a great treatment for men to aid in muscle recovary.
We all know that exercise is a vital part of a healthy lifestyle. And while a good run or workout can help us feel more energised, muscle soreness afterwards isn’t only unpleasant, but it can also increase the amount of recovery time we need, affecting our fitness goals. Body Ballancer’s special wave action moves along your legs, loosening tight muscle fibres while breaking down and removing lactic acid and other toxins from your system.
Body Ballancer® increases the flow of oxygenated blood, helping you feel lighter and less sore. It also recharges your muscles faster, ready for the rest of your day or your next workout.
VI Peel.
VI Peels are the perfect treatment for our male clients who are wanting to improve skin tone, texture, and clarity of the skin.
The VI Peel range help to improve the tone, texture and clarity of the skin. It reduces or eliminates acne, acne scarring, age-spots, treats pigmentation (including melasma), and softens fine lines and wrinkles. The VI peels stimulates the production of collagen, for healthier, firmer more youthful skin.
Skin Tags.
A skin tag is a small, soft, flesh-coloured non-cancerous skin growth. Skin tags are probably the single most common skin condition on adult skin. Skin tags are harmless but can be annoying; they commonly occur on the eyelids, neck, armpits, groin folds, and under breasts and can be painful if they catch on zips, jewellery or clothes. There’s no need to put up with them though, skin tag removal doesn’t have to be complicated!
Skin tags can easily be removed using Plasma, a special form of a gas that has an electrical energy, that penetrates the skin from the epidermis deep into the dermis. The Plasma causes a process called sublimation which turns a solid into a gas so results are instant skin tags being removed in minutes.
Eyebrow Waxing.

Here at Brook Bottom Aesthetics we offer facial waxing for men, using the highest quality of wax.
Waxing pulls the hair out with the root, making it harder for the hair to grow back. Waxing can be better for sensitive skin. Shaving can cause ingrown hairs, reaction to the metal of the razor or dry your skin.

Here at Brook Bottom Aesthetics all of our treatments are bespoke to you which means that our practitioners will never give you a result that doesn’t suit you and occasionally we may refuse treatment altogether. Dermal Filler treatment can achieve dramatic results in a very short period of time so it is very important to prepare yourself for the fact that your face may look different. Our consultants will give you a full overview of what to expect from your treatment during your consultation.